Utilities, Water & Wastewater

Public utilities and municipal water systems typically use steel, ductile iron and pre-stressed concrete piping in their product distribution lines. NIS works with municipalities and public utilities to apply Cathodic Protection (CP) and monitoring to these systems to maintain and prevent premature failure. This reduces the cost of additional maintenance and repairs to failed systems and extends the useful service life of the assets.

  1. Cost Reduction: By applying CP systems, municipalities can proactively prevent premature failure of water mains, lift stations, water towers, and distribution systems. This prevention significantly reduces the need for costly emergency maintenance and repairs, ultimately saving municipalities a substantial amount in operational expenses.
  2. Asset Longevity: CP systems extend the useful service life of critical infrastructure assets. This means that municipalities can get more value from their initial investments, reducing the frequency of replacements or major overhauls.
  3. Operational Efficiency: NIS collaborates closely with municipal water and wastewater department personnel, providing CP services that include galvanic and impressed current CP system installation, cathodic protection design, annual surveys, pipeline current mapping, interference testing, failure analysis, and coating inspection. By maintaining these systems, municipalities can ensure consistent, reliable operation of water mains, water storage tanks, lift stations, and sewage plants, thus avoiding operational disruptions and the associated costs.
  4. Proactive Corrosion Management: NIS goes beyond installation and monitoring. We work with municipal personnel to train them in detecting and preventing corrosion hot spots that have the potential to lead to premature system failures. This proactive approach not only enhances safety but also averts emergency repairs and the accompanying expenses.
  5. Personnel Training: NIS collaborates with municipal personnel to develop effective training and education programs to ensure the proper maintenance of CP systems. This empowers municipalities to take charge of their corrosion management, further reducing costs associated with outsourcing maintenance.

NIS is a trusted partner for municipalities, helping them safeguard their water and wastewater infrastructure while simultaneously delivering substantial cost savings. By investing in CP services, municipalities can protect their critical assets, extend their service life, and operate more efficiently—all while staying within budget constraints. NIS is committed to ensuring that communities continue to receive clean, reliable water services without compromise.

CP services that can be utilized to maintain the integrity of water mains, lift stations, water towers, and distribution systems include:
  • Galvanic and Impressed Current CP System Installation
  • Cathodic Protection Design
  • Annual Survey
  • Pipeline Current Mapping
  • Interference Testing
  • Failure Analysis
  • Coating Inspection